African American Cinema and Culture (Fall 2010)
Greetings 45:129 Students. At this site, you will post your weekly journal entries. I'm looking forward to a rousing semester !

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Big Lie/Happily Ever After
As I reviewed the Manatu reading, one part caught my eye: on page 12, it says, "films entertain and circulate ideas about our culture about people." There's always been the debate about whether movies mirror real life, or real life mirrors the movies. I think it's a little of both. As for the romance movies go, I'd say people expect real life to mirror the movies, but that is rarely the case. This often leads for high, unrealistic expectations and disappointments, especially for women. On many occasions I have watched movies with my girl friends, and they say, "Why can't real guys be like that?" I'm pretty sure it was in the Manatu reading that women learn about dating from romantic movies, and men learn about it from porn, or maybe I just heard that somewhere else. I'm sure some men watch porn and wish real women would be like that. But these are just fantasies, and people should recognize them as entertainment.
The Manatu reading also talked about the tendency for black men to date white women, but not vise versa. That's certainly the case for movie characters, but I don't think it's necessarily the case in real life. My grandparents once said they thought it was rarer for a black woman to date a white man, but I have personally known many black women to date white men. I think people often rely too much on statistics, or fictional representations, and these aren't always true to everyday life. That's why the "Big Lie" and "Happily Ever After" can be dangerous--romantic movies especially appeal to young girls, and those girls are very impressionable. Directors like Spike Lee claim they are depicting life as it truly is. I bet there are many stupid people out there who believe the movies show real life.
Big Lie
The 'happily ever after' portion of this seems to be the incentive for such submissiveness. By relinquishing self-control to the inevitable union which lies at the end of most romances, you are guaranteed perpetual happiness. Clearly (and this has been stated before and more eloquently than I will) this doesn't allow for chance, death, social factors and most importantly for personality. As the divorce rate in the post-war world adequately showed us, perpetual and monogamous happiness might not actually be a goal that everyone can actualize. The use of 'happily ever after' combined with the 'big lie' of certain gender role representation is a way for formula romance to appeal to certain fantasies, desires and hopes of viewers (male and female, I would argue).
The Love Lie
The Big Lie in Romance
The Big Lie
For Colored Girls
Big Lie
A Big Lie
The Big Lie
The Big Lie
For Colored Gurls
The "Lovable" Lie
Big Lie
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Well Duh
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"For Colored Girls"
Another thing that really stuck out to me was the extremely poor portrayal of African-American men in the film. Only two men were "good" to their women, and one of them turned out to have been deceiving his wife by living a sort of a double life and lying about his sexual encounters with other men. Granted, it is not Tyler Perry's job to paint a sterling picture of African-American men through his films, but I think this aspect of the film is just another component of the whole overly-melodramatic tone the film has to it.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
For Colored Girls
For Colored Girls...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
For Colored Girls
"For Colored Girls"
First of all, I feel like this movie would have had more of an impact in the 70s, when it was written, as opposed to now. Race is still a significant issue now, but the issues in the movie could have happened to women of any race. To me, the movie was more "For Girls" than for colored girls. It was about the difficulty of dealing with pregnancy, domestic abuse, rape, etc. To me, those issues transcend race. On the other hand, most movies released in mainstream theaters feature mostly white casts. In a way, the title of this movie is fitting, because it has a non-white cast, therefore black women can see women who look like them on the screen. It's their way of saying, even though movies only seem to care about white women's problems, black women have problems too.
Yet this movie really focuses on the problems--I have come to discover that I am not a fan of movies with so many plot lines, especially movies like this, where each plot line is more depressing than the last. I like the idea that they can all support each other, but the melodrama was a bit overwhelming.
Back to the title, and how the movie deals with issues that challenge all women: race is hardly mentioned in the film. When Thandie Newton's character says, "Being colored is a metaphysical dilemma that I haven't conquered yet," I didn't believe her. We're not given reason to believe that her problems are caused by race, or that she is insecure about her race. Many women who are insecure about being colored date white men to avoid their own race. Tanji dated black men. She never talks about her race. Again, maybe the movie would have been more important in the 70s.
Friday, November 12, 2010
For Colored Girls
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I think...?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams
Hoop Dreams
hoop dreams
Hoop Dreams
I think hooks is a little harsh on the film. In particular, I did not like the part about the "auction block mentality" regarding the try-outs for high school basketball. She has a decent argument in that one side (the coaches) has a distinct advantage over the other (the potential players), and that the players' bodies are indeed "expendable" in comparison to those of the coaches, but I think she is reading a bit too much into the whole concept of an athletic try-out. Plain and simple, if a player is not good enough, regardless of color, height, shape, age, etc., he is told that his services are no longer needed. It is not like he is exiled, whipped, publicly humililiated, told he is good for absolutely nothing else except his sport, or killed, like slaves would have been; he is told (maybe not always in the most polite way) that he is not needed on the team.
One thing I liked about both hooks' piece and the film itself is that it points out the harsh reality every athlete with high aspirations faces: the opportunistic, "ruthless" (as hooks writes) agendas of the patriarchy. Everyone wants a piece of the hot player, whether it is Arthur Agee, William Gates, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, or John Wall. William said that once he gained some local fame, "everybody wants to be my coach," meaning that everybody he comes into contact with has something to say. There is so much to gain for the third-parties, it makes the fortunes made by the gifted individual seem miniscule.
Hoop Dreams
Failed Dreams
Hoop Dreams
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"Hoop Dreams"
After watching the trailer on YouTube, I agree that the cultural aspect of the piece seems to be missing from the film. The trailer definitely presents it as an entertaining movie/spectacle, rather than an emotional examination of humanity. I liked how the trailer didn't mention race, though. It wasn't like "The struggle of young African Americans to overcome obstacles..." hooks may disagree, but I like that they portrayed them as Americans, regardless of race. This may detract from the cultural importance, but to me it says they were marketing it as a story about people, not just people of a certain race. They probably did this to attract more white viewers.
After watching the trailer, I looked up the film on Wikipedia. I read about the two boys around which the film centers. Though he struggled with his grades, William Gates played basketball in college, and even trained with Michael Jordan, but was injured. His brother, who was in the film, was murdered in 2001. The other boy, Arthur Agee, also played for his college team. He is currently a motivational speaker, and his father was murdered in 2004.
These facts tell me a few things--that the documentary exploited these boys' dreams, and made a lot of money off of their dreams, but didn't give much back. They still struggled with school, never achieved their dreams, and their families weren't able to move out of the dangerous neighborhoods. Although they seem relatively successful in other careers, their stories are still sad, and the trailer to the movie suggests a happy ending. It seems like the film makers turned their stories into a Hollywood movie, complete with a false happy ending, thus tricking white audiences into believing it.
Hoop Dreams
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Black Women
Transformative Film Roles
Transformative sex workers
Black Women representations
Sex workers as transformers
Sex worker as transformative...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sex workers as transformative?
bell hooks's essay about "Girl 6" made me curious to see the film. I knew the plot of the film, and I was surprised she praised it so much, but her essay made a lot of sense. Spike Lee tries something new in "Girl 6" when representing women. Even if it's not the ideal representation, it's still important that he's trying--everything comes in time, even if it takes awhile.
I didn't find hooks's arguments about "Exotica" as compelling, and I could hardly follow the plot of the movie. Therefore, I'm still unsure about the "Transormativeness" of the character Christina.
Study in Sex Workers
The Power Struggle for Women
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Spike Lee
Examples From Class Tonight
Here is the example brought up in class today in relationship to School Daze (decontextualized, but remember it is for kids):
And the NPR article:
And the chapter I was talking about here.
I will bring the film back to talk about what we did not get to, which is the sexual exploitation scene. We can pair it with clips from Girl 6 and She's Gotta Have It.
Also, the film White Dog is on youtube!:
Most Transformative Spike Lee film
Spike Lee
On page 25 in Massood, Lee's comments about sexuality really struck me. I liked that he wasn't afraid to look critically at gender roles and expectations, especially from a woman's point of view. He admits women are treated unfairly. I've never seen "She's Gotta Have it," but I want to now.
Spike Lee
He Got Game
Another major impact this film has had on me is the name Jesus Shuttlesworth. I have yet to come across a name I like more in film and I appreciate the amalgam provided by Ray Allen in this role. Jesus and Jake Shuttlesworth make an incredibly dynamic father and son duo, one full of potential and one with all of his wasted. The way Spike films the scene of 1v1 becomes truly operatic, he transforms basketball into life.
Transformative Spike Lee Films
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I am inclined to call Malcolm X, a film that always leaves me cold, Spike Lee’s most transformational film. Anna Everett writes in her essay what I will admit is a throwaway line: “[F]ew would argue that Lee’s Malcolm X is not an impressive achievement. In fact, the film garnered two Academy Award nominations – best actor for Washington and best costume design for Ruth Carter.” Academy Award nominations are hardly the criteria anyone should employ in deciding whether or not a movie is an “impressive achievement.” I found Lee’s Malcolm X weirdly neutered and I found Lee’s whitewashing of some of X’s more unsavory political ideas standard biopic fare. In that, I would say the film is transformational, in that it turned one of the most feared and beloved black figures in American history into a child-friendly monument that fifth graders could comfortably study for African-American History Month.
The finest appraisals of Malcolm X acknowledge the more problematic aspects of his personality. In Ossie Davis’s famous eulogy, the one in which he kills him “our shining black prince,” he also calls him a “bigot.” Malcolm X’s views on race relations did indeed evolve throughout his life. His autobiography, which is based on interviews conducted over a five year period captures that evolution well. In the last few months he claimed to be an agnostic on whether or not whites and blacks should marry one another, a radical departure from previous statements. Still, to the very end, he remained a rabid anti-Semite. Lee fails to capture the subtlety of X’s changing intelligence. I’d be curious to know how James Baldwin’s original script handled the issue. And he shies away completely from X’s anti-Semitic bullying.
Instead, we get what amounts to a standard hagiography in which the most important aspects of Malcolm X’s life are pinpointed, but which provides no truly satisfying narrative arc. It’s a problem consistent with most Hollywood biopics. Spike Lee made a movie about Malcolm X as bloodless as one that could be made by Norman Jewison. And in that, it may truly be transformational.
Transformative Films
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Does Mookie Transform?
Thursday, October 14, 2010
"Hip Hop Cinema"
Although, I bet that real life "thugs" rely on the threatening images portrayed in movies. This keeps them in a position of power, and keeps them feared and respected on the streets. This also has a backlash--to ignorant white moviegoers, every urban black person becomes a threat because that's what the movies show. Also, I said in class, this had a similar effect on Italian Americans. I think any time an ethnic group is portrayed one way, ignorant consumers (and there are far too many out there) assume that is an accurate stereotype.
Because hip hop is very popular right now, it is hard to avoid the gangsta stereotype, but just like all stereotypes, it will eventually be revealed as just that.
Film Clips for Smith-Shomade
Part 1 (How Intro Frames Film)
Part 5 (Women, Music (New Jack Swing), Violence)
Hip Hop Films/Hip Hop Music
As far as the movies go, I wonder if hip-hop films are a relevant enough cultural phenomenon anymore to raise the question anymore. Our readings have illustrated schisms in portrayals and narrative serious enough to question the unity of the films in this category that were released in the early 90s, and I'm not sure that that fractured entity even exists in 2010. It seems to me that the genre was subsumed into more rounded peripheral characters or occasionally leads in both the romance or action genres (Hitch, Training Day, The Ladykillers, The Italian Job). In other words, centralizing hip hop for a few years proved to be culturally significant in the portrayal of African Americans but did not survive as a stable and regular genre.
Hip Hop Cinema?
In contrast, what makes films such as New Jack City, Sugar Hill or Set It Off a hip hop film? One could say they feature black characters, as do hip hop songs and videos, and they have a hip hop soundtrack and often a rapper plays in the film too. But so does for example Bad Boys, and no one would think that this is a hip hop film, although it has the characters, the soundtrack and the rapper. So it must be something else. When looking at the plots of our example movies, it is obvious that they all tell the same story, the problems of the black ghetto and the characters' struggle to make it out of it by any means, and the fact that they are ultimately forced to become criminals. In contrast, the characters in Bad Boys are cops. So maybe that's it. One could argue that this qualifies those movies as hip hop cinema, since the struggle etc is also a vivid motif in a lot of hip hop songs.
But first of all, this is not representative of hip hop as a whole, those kind of stories belong to the gangsta rap subcategory, which is only a small part of rap music, and rap music again is only a small part of hip hop. Political or conscious rappers also address social problems, but deal with them in a very different way, offering solutions or pointing to whom they feel is responsible, rather than detailing the gangsta lifestyle. And there are dozens of other kinds of rap music. So the films do not deal with hip hop as a culture or social movement or anything, and it is essentially wrong to term those films hip hop films just because they deal with black inner-city issues. That is like saying 'The Wire' or 'Good Times' are hip hop TV series.
Hip-Hop Film and Music
I work at a pizza place. After a recent Wiz Khalifa concert, I had to serve countless young white males stoned out of their mind wearing flat brim hats and the same Wiz Khalifa t-shirt. It occurred to me this was the manifestation of them finding their identity in a hip-hop culture. Most likely, bored youth from the 'burbs (and many other places) don't do much but smoke weed. Wiz Khalifa doesn't rap about much but smoking weed. It is a comfortable outlet for them to identify with. On the other hand, a much more aggressive, authentic rapper of the moment, Waka Flocka Flame, recently put out an album that may be harder for them to identify with. Flocka has lines like "Shout out to the fuck nigga that tried to rob me at Wal-Mart" or "I fucked my money up, now I can't re-up", rapping about a side of the culture that doesn't always get illuminated in the facade of mainstream rap but is something that may be more authentic to those in "urban" communities actually experiencing the "atrocities".
Life inspires art and art can inspire imitation.
Film and Hip Hop
Also, there is little/no way that almost every hip-hop singer and gangsta film would have similar content in their films without it being based on reality.
Finally, one thing that irks me is when kids and teenagers act like the singers and rappers of hip-hop and gangsta films. They are depicting low economic standards of living and chronicling their hardship through life. Why would one want to pretend this is their way of living? Although many kids want to be "cool" and be feared like these individuals, they are not aware that these songs and movies are based on reality and their lives are not so easy.
Goodfellas and Hip Hop
I am a little surprised that this controversy still exists. It feels a little ’90s. A few months ago at the gym, I looked up at the monitor and saw 50 Cent on the Rachael Ray Show. A similar spectacle would have been unthinkable 20 years ago. When I was growing up, there was no way Snoop Dogg was getting a slot on Regis and Kathie Lee. In other words, rap music and hip hop, which long ago overtook rock and roll’s claim to rebellion, may have been softened somehow. No one takes Ice T seriously as a “cop killer” anymore, especially now that he plays a cop on TV. The President of the United States references Jay-Z in his speeches.
I was intrigued by Smith-Shomade’s qualified claims on how women have taken some varied and interesting roles in films like New Jack City, partly by still conforming to masculine ideals. Hip hop has often been scapegoated for perpetuating misogyny and homophobia. (Yes, much of hip hop is misogynistic and homophobic, but it was really odd to see Bill O’Reilly, of all people, bludgeoning the music for those very reasons, some years ago.) That makes the way Smith-Shomade sees ways in which the culture of gangsta cinema may provide a strange small step towards female redefinition more interesting.
I’m tip-toeing around this week’s question: “Is Hip-hop music and hip-hop films a reflection of urban atrocities or does it facilitate the behavior that many critique it for in the public sphere?” I would say that it does a little bit of both. It neutralizes for some a need to commit violence by providing a sharp verbal artistic outlet for a certain kind of aggression. It may also contribute to a culture that consistently degrades women. I think of an almost all-white film like “Goodfellas” which was an honest critique of a world of mafia sociopaths, while still showing all the reasons why a life in the mafia is so appealing. There’s a way in which we rock out to the violence in Goodfellas, to “Layla” and Donovan’s “Atlantis.” That push-pull experience may not be that far from the experience we may have with hip hop culture.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Urban Gangstas
For directors during the time Do the Right Thing and Juice were being made, it was all about real depictions of 'thug' life. The directors and writers didn't put their time and money into making these films for them to be unrealistic. Now I'm not saying what happens in the film are realistic by any means, but the people in them directly correlate with how people actually acted/dressed in inner cities all over the country.
These directors showed the hardships of these young, black men because most people did not live in the cities and were not apart of the gangs, so they were very unaware. And I really doubt Spike Lee made Do the Right Thing just for fun...
Hip hop and film
HIp Hop and Gangsta Films
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Growing up Ghetto
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Blaxploitation and Gangstas
Blaxploitation and Gangsta
I think movies such as Foxy Brown and Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song are what influenced the gangster films of the 80s and 90s. However, even those these movies have 'black people' ideals and are made and star black actors, white directors have been heavily influenced by these films. It is obvious to note Quentin Tarantino, like in the article we read entitled Quentin Tarantino's Phallic Fantasies: A White Boy's 'Baadasssss' Yearnings.
Both blaxploitation and gangster films have the same themes through out each of the films. There is usually a strong black actor in the lead role, there is some violence and over sexualized female character. Like Stephanie Dunn states in her article, these films were made to fulfill the 'cool' factor black audiences wanted to see in their lead roles.